The monster hides behind a screen, operates in the shadows and carefully studies how to get the very young victims into his computer network. And the ogres seem to be constantly increasing because the phenomenon of online child pornography and solicitation using social media and smartphones is growing .

In 2022, the increase in investigative activities, reported cases and files seized by the Sardinia Postal Police was notable compared to the previous year and 2023 seems destined to follow in its wake. «We are recording continuous growth in activities» , highlights the first manager Francesco Greco. One fact above all: there were 31 investigations into online child pornography in 2019 and they became 44 last year . The trend in 2023 is similar, with around forty investigative activities carried out by investigators.

Soliciters strike through online game chats on consoles or mobile phones . Or they reach very young victims on social media . All because parents don't control or do it in a superficial way. Often because they don't know the topic. “They consider themselves computer illiterate,” explains Greco. And the Postal Police warns children, teenagers and their parents with meetings and initiatives in schools.

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