"We proclaim a state of agitation, we do not agree with the corporate strategy of stopping entire production departments". After the communication from Portovesme srl, which due to energy prices will stop the zinc line by the end of December, Cgil, Cisl and Uil del Sulcis met the Industry management and announced the state of agitation, not excluding other actions.

"Energy is a European problem - reads the press release signed by Antonello Congiu (Cgil), Salvatore Vincis (Cisl) and Andrea Lai (Uil) - all the conditions must be created for politics, starting from the local and regional leader with President Solinas in the lead, speak to the Government so that due consideration is given to the problem ".

About 400 direct employees will be involved in the stop scheduled by Portovesme srl by the end of December for the zinc line, the one with the highest energy consumption, to which the workers of the procurement companies must be added. "It is essential - reads the press release from Cgil, Cisl and Uil - that the company is fully available so that all the companies present within the plant, businesses and workers, should not find themselves in difficulty in undergoing choices that they did not depend on them, first of all protecting the employment of all workers ".

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