The fate of the little horse of the Giara seemed to be sealed: she was stuck on the ground, in the mud, and could no longer get up.

But the hiking group of the Cai section (Italian Alpine Club) of Cagliari happened on her path, engaged in one of the many initiatives in the Giara di Setzu, which saved her life.

"We started from the meeting point to walk the entire external perimeter of the Giara - tells L'Unione Sarda Gianni Cotza, vice president of the Cai section of Cagliari - Arrived around Pauli Meggianu, where there is also a drinking trough for animals, we saw a fairly large marsh, with a muddy area that reached a depth of about fifty centimeters ”.

There was the little horse: “ She seemed to be lying down, we thought she was rolling in the mud. But something strange didn't convince us and we got closer ”. At that point "it was clear that the filly could no longer get up, she was so sunken that it was impossible for her to pull herself up ".

Valerio , a member of the group, immediately took off his boots “and managed to grab the mare by the legs and drag her out of the mud . We cleaned it up and it slowly recovered. He was very weak, like all the horses of the Giara in this period ”.

Not far away, about a hundred meters away, the hikers noticed the presence of 3 or 4 horses that had observed the rescue operation: “When we left they reached her. Probably there was also the mother of the filly ”.

A rescue that allowed the young specimen to return to life, to the races and to the beauties of its territory.

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