Compliant parameters in the sea of Lu Bagnu and La Marina, the beaches of Castelsardo classified as Blue Flags. After an initial sampling and analysis of the water by Arpas, which had detected some anomalies, namely the exceeding of the legal parameters of fecal bacteria, such as escherichia coli and intestinal enterococci in the sea of the Marina (extended 91 metres) and abnormal data in the waters of Lu Bagnu, on the beach called Ampurias-La Madonnina (extended 1,555 metres), of the only parameter relating to intestinal enterococci, the latest note of Arpas communicates that the parameters have returned.

The Municipality of Castelsardo has revoked the prohibition order to allow all swimmers to be able to enjoy the sea on the coast without any limits. Both beaches have obtained the Blue Flag recognition for the quality of the water, the decoration, the services and the cleanliness of the beaches.

Every year the bathing season opens with the resumption of checks on marine waters by Arpas, which repeats the analyzes a few days after the first sampling.

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