He left home on Wednesday night to go to work but Roberto Musu, 59 years old from Carbonia , never arrived in Portovesme.

He went off the road, along the provincial road 2 which connects Carbonia to Portoscuso before the industrial pole, and lost his life thrown from the car which ended its journey away from the road, in the vegetation .

Even out of sight of motorists: no one was able to report the accident or try to help him, there was nothing on the road that could suggest an accident.

The alarm was triggered only yesterday, when the family did not see him return home. Phone calls, unsuccessful searches until the involvement of the police. The dramatic turning point came in the evening, when the carabinieri found the car near the provincial road, quite a distance from the roadway and surrounded by vegetation. Further away, outside the car, was the lifeless body of Roberto Musu.

Antonella Pani

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