More and more young people are dealing with fights , alcohol and drugs . But in Cagliari the phenomenon would not be new and - above all - it would not be linked to the pandemic . This is what Luca Pisano explained, after research lasting 12 years. The psychologist, psychotherapist, director of the Sardinia cybercrime observatory and master in Ifos Criminology, presented his work on the occasion of a seminar held yesterday at the Thotel in Cagliari, " Youth discomfort in the metropolitan city of Cagliari, amidst the crisis of society contemporary culture and the influence of digital subcultures".

The meticulous work traced the maps and habits of Cagliari's adolescents, even if - as Pisano explains - "similar situations can also be found in other areas of Sardinia". The language of young people also finds space on the map, with their ways of saying and "slang". In the general framework defined as "Nennis gaggism", the youth tribes are distinguished as "street kids", "fake disadvantaged people", "instagirls", "gamer, skater, manga-anime". «Blame is often placed - explains Pisano - on families, on teachers, on the pandemic. But this is not the outcome of our research: the subcultures and behaviors that often lead to deviance emerged even before the pandemic . I wonder what has been done in recent years for adolescents and young people. And I wonder if the candidates for the regional elections are thinking of including chapters dedicated to young people in their programs."

According to the research, among the most frequented areas (and most at risk, in some way) are Piazza Yenne, Piazza Sant'Eulalia and Piazza Giovanni XXIII . As the slides explain, in this last area of the city, close to the Parco della Musica, the «subculture of second generation fake “foreigners” (Italians) gathers together». Other areas: Poetto and Piazza Garibaldi. With the areas around fast food restaurants becoming hubs for kids and teenagers. Where? In "non-places", which – translated – would be all those spaces that are not identity-related, relational and historical. Pisano's appeal is to involve one hundred or two hundred parents to take to the streets, to talk to the children in the places they frequent." But negative influences would also come from the internet, including music and violent content. «Local phenomena, but direct and also influenced by what happens on the internet . «Bad examples that – concludes Pisano – don't stop anyone».


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