In Cagliari the ZTL cameras don't work . And motorists, who know this, take advantage of it. This translates into traffic and inconvenience within the historic neighborhoods, which do not fit and the Municipality is wary.

The associations " Let's open the windows to the Marina ", " Casteddu de susu " and " VivereAVillanova " «given the inertia of the Administration in activating the surveillance systems aimed at guaranteeing compliance with vehicular entrances within the limits of the provisions of the municipal regulation and after useless solicitations" they decided to take legal action . And not in a manner of speaking.

«For us – explain the three associations followed by the lawyer Luisa Giua Marassi – only evasive answers which do not lead to any certainty regarding the activation times». In the warning letter the problem is put in black and white: «The lack of active cameras, which has now become notorious in the city, encourages practices (substantially tolerated by this PA) of violating the ban on parking and transit during limited traffic time slots , which in fact they determine a circulation almost identical to that of the permitted times and an almost unlimited parking, with consequent traffic congestion and compromise of the fragilities and rights that the aforementioned regulation should have safeguarded".

But the continuous coming and going of vehicles would also have affected the "state of health" of the streets, as stated in the letter: «The indiscriminate use of the streets of the historic center by the generality of citizens without limitations of zones and times has definitely contributed to aggravate the state of instability of the road network within the most fragile neighbourhoods, with real devastation of important parts of the valuable paving previously installed, as well as increasing noise and air pollution. More specifically, the pavement of the roads in the aforementioned areas, subjected to the uncontrolled and ever-increasing transit of unauthorized vehicles, is torn up in several places, with the cobblestones removed from their location creating dangerous obstacles to traffic or equally dangerous potholes".

The associations are therefore asking for intervention from the Municipality . "In the absence of what is requested - underlines the lawyer - within 30 days of receipt of this letter, I will not hesitate to take any appropriate judicial action to protect the rights of my clients".


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