Inside the courtyard, the festive shouting of the children of the nursery school in via Serbariu, in Cagliari . On the other side of the fence, a few meters away, in a corner of the dirt road that overlooks Via Cinquini, four people inject their dose of heroin.

Even this morning, despite the reports and the alarm raised by the mothers who bring their children to school, the situation under the Colle di San Michele was alarming: five drug addicts in action, heroin and syringe in hand , and a few meters away the children of the childhood in the yard.

Unfortunately, what happens in the dirt road renamed, for decades, "of the hole" now seems to have become the ordinary. So in the ground, right next to the school building, there is a carpet of syringes and needles, with the various stations used by men, women and often young people.

A few days ago, on the pages of L'Unione Sarda, some mothers of the children who attend the nursery school in via Serbariu had made their voices heard : "They get punctured at all hours of the day, and along the entire perimeter of the school there is always the same carpet of syringes. Sometimes the same syringes are placed on the surrounding wall, a gust of wind is enough to make them slide down into the courtyard where the children play. If it were not for the precious work of teachers, managers and school collaborators, who every turn to check that the courtyard is "clean", the risk of our children coming into contact with some blood-stained needle would be very high ".

The land is owned by Area and the Municipality of Cagliari has its hands tied . A cleaning and more controls would be needed, as happened many years ago with a permanent police station.

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