Performance in civilian clothes this evening for the musicians of the Lirico theater of Cagliari , who will go on stage "without the classic clothing that the management was unable to guarantee for all the professors".

A form of protest called on the occasion of the concert with Beethoven's symphonies under the direction of maestro Alessio Allegrini.

In a union note we read that the Foundation's top management did not "respect the agreements for the hiring of historical precarious workers and identified the roles to be put up for competition in a discretionary manner". Furthermore, "it has not yet adopted concrete solutions for the many precarious workers outside the workforce."

Furthermore, it is another accusation, "despite the tools made available by law, the management is unable to improve wages, which have been stagnant for 20 years" despite the economic availability.

The reasons for the choice of clothes will be explained to spectators through the distribution of a flyer at the entrance.


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