Wrongly was requested by the Prosecutor's Office, the accusation of complicity in attempted extortion against the mayor of Cagliari Paolo Truzzu and the city councilor Antonello Angioni was dismissed.

The Prosecutor's Office ascertained, through the documents produced by the defence, that the "Società Umanitaria-Cineteca Sarda" association was entitled to occupy the spaces of the Mediateca del Mediterraneo, given that the project for the recovery and conversion of the former market in Via Pola was was only possible thanks to European funding obtained with a joint project presented by the Municipality and the association.

The hypothesis of the Prosecutor's Office, prosecutor Andrea Vacca, who had worked on a complaint presented by the former Councilor for Culture Paola Piroddi, was that there had been undue pressure on the former member of the Council and on the former municipal manager Antonella Delle Donne to allow the illegitimate permanence of the Humanitarian Society in the media library. The indictment stated that the spaces were occupied without title and used illegitimately by the association.

The investigating judge archived the positions of mayor and municipal councilor: Piroddi's accusations were considered unfounded: "It is evident", writes judge Michele Contini, "that the matter has a mere political importance: and certainly not criminal".

Paolo Truzzu is satisfied with the outcome: «An incredible story, which has never made me doubt the action of the judiciary. A painful event for me too, because it called into question some fundamental principles of my political education and action: honesty and respect for the rule of law."

«I want to thank my family», adds the mayor, «and the many people who, knowing me, have never failed to show me their closeness. I would like to say that I have no respect for those who, incapable of asserting their political action, use the courtrooms to try to assert their reasons."


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