The Alberti high school can no longer postpone: "We want our own headquarters ". The voice is unique, the protest as well: in front of the banners, in the sit-in in front of the offices in Viale Colombo , in Cagliari , there were students and professors , compact in wanting to put an end to the endless series of rentals and renewals involving the institute.

«Our headquarters in Viale Colombo», explains Professor Elisabetta Carta, «is a state property, managed by the Port Authority, which is rented to us from year to year with subsequent extensions. Currently our contract expires in September , formally we don't know what will happen to us: there could be an extension, or there might not be. But maybe that wouldn't be enough."

Yes, because maintaining the headquarters is not the only need: "The institute", explains the teacher, "has various unusable parts , including a chemistry laboratory and the Metropolitan City will intervene only in the event of a significant extension".

Critical issues that are nothing new, as told by Mariano Asunis, now a professor, but in the past a student of Alberti and school representative. He stresses the importance of the headquarters in Viale Colombo, which is essential for commuting students , since it is the closest institute to the station in Piazza Matteotti, as well as serving a part of the city far from the other scientific high schools: «The problems I had in '94», he says, «I currently have them: the site was temporary then, and it's temporary now. We are spread over three locations , with via Ravenna and via Koch. This one in Viale Colombo is in a fantastic place, we have a magnificent view and it is perhaps for this reason that they don't want to give it to us definitively, because perhaps there are other projects ».

And indeed the projects are there, with the restyling of the waterfront which will effectively exclude the school from the area. But the delegate for Public Education of the Metropolitan City of Cagliari, Alessandro Balletto , assures that there will be no eviction for the next school year , after the request made to the Port Authority. And the new Alberti headquarters could rise a few hundred meters away: «The Administration has already taken action», clarifies Balletto, «deliberating the preliminary project for the redevelopment of the seafront: a technological center will be built within the exhibition centre, within which an educational institution is foreseen. It could be the new Alberti ».

A solution that would meet the needs of the students: «It is welcome to stay in Viale Colombo», explains the school representative Sara Naciri, «but we are not looking for this. We want a site that is a school , equipped with a gym, assembly hall and laboratories, and which remains close to Piazza Matteotti. Above all, we want our own headquarters».

A voice, that of students and professors, which could soon be heard: the regional councilor for public education Biancareddu, through his staff, has given willingness to open an interinstitutional table .

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