The municipal market in via San Benedetto in Cagliari will have a new face .

In the meantime, the 220 owners of the stalls will have to move to a temporary structure in Piazza Amedeo Nazzari which the Municipality will have to set up by the end of the summer .
The Pnrr has allocated 41 million euros to completely renovate the historic city market, the largest in Sardinia.
Four million will be needed to carry out the massive renovation works. During this period, the 220 owners of the fish, meat, fruit and vegetable departments will move to the temporary building in Piazza Nazzari, a few tens of meters from the historic market site.
In March the envelopes will be opened and only then will the offers of the companies be known both for the new San Benedetto market and for the structure which will have to allow traders and customers not to give up this historic point of sale in the time necessary for the works.


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