Big fire this afternoon just before 7pm at the former Agip Motel, later converted into the Jolly Hotel, in via Santa Maria Chiara in Cagliari.

L'incendio all'ex Motel Agip
L'incendio all'ex Motel Agip
L'incendio all'ex Motel Agip

The first thing that went up in flames were piles of waste and various materials that were piled up close to the accommodation structure which had not been used for years, at the point where a homeless man had set up a makeshift shelter. Then the flames started to spread on the top floor of the building.

Also due to the dense column of smoke visible from very far away, there were numerous calls to the fire brigade switchboard, which arrived with three vehicles. The police are also on site.
Given the double front, the malicious origin seems evident. But investigations will be necessary at the end of the cleanup to eliminate any doubts.

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