Cagliari does not forget its past . Nor 1943 , the year in which the city was bombed . Today those tragic moments can be studied, relived and remembered thanks to virtual reality , listening to the voices of Cagliari citizens, hearing the sudden sound of the siren and following the rush to the shelters. And finally the roar of the explosion of devices arriving from the sky.

The leap back in time is possible thanks to an immersive exhibition inaugurated at the Lazzaretto di Sant'Elia, the central part of which is made up precisely of the virtual experience. In the "walk" through the gardens of the Royal Sardinian Railways (today's Piazza Matteotti, in front of the town hall) you can hear the conversations of Cagliari citizens. Then the bombs arrive and, thanks to the "full immersion" with helmets and visors, diving into the past is easier. Once the experience is over, the exhibition allows you to explore the topics in depth through multimedia stations with touch screens and information panels. The exhibition, which will remain open to the public until May 28, is a production of Net Press, a Sardinian company active in the creation of video games and in the training of professionals for the Video Game industry.

The director of "VR 1943: The bombing of Cagliari" is Andrea Assorgia , director of the Game Maker Academy school of digital arts and techniques, videogame developer , but also author of games and videogames , for work and for passion, for more than 20 years. Assorgia, an expert in virtual reality, has managed to merge the storytelling with the use of 3D technology, developing an artificial world that follows the Cagliari of 1943. Strengthened by his experience at the Lazzaretto of Cagliari and outside, in the preparations of exhibitions and cultural events, the Sant'Elia 2003 cooperative took care of the scenographic layout of the exhibition meticulously and in detail.


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