Pacinotti high school closed for a week because of the mice. The order bears the signature of the mayor of Cagliari Paolo Truzzu and arrives at the request of the manager Valentina Savona: in via Liguria, headquarters, stop for lessons from tomorrow until November 14 inclusive.

The provision announcing the rat extermination states that "the company in charge of ProService spa has communicated that the intervention will begin on the 8th at 08.30 and will end on the 15th. period of treatment ".

On the institute's website, however, we read that “ the secretarial staff will carry out, where required by individual contracts, the smartworking activities according to the agreed methods. The rest of the staff will regularly check the mail, carrying out all the non-deferrable procedures that do not involve face-to-face activities ".

(Unioneonline / EF)

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