Suffering from certain pathologies, exhausted from advanced age and with skin covered in sores: he arrived at the Santissima Trinità at 10pm yesterday, Wednesday 28 December, and this morning at 7am he had not yet been hospitalized.

The victim of this (ordinary) history of a non-functioning health system is a 93-year-old man residing in a center in the province of Cagliari, in the western area (further details are omitted for privacy reasons).

Late in the evening he complained of very severe pain. An India ambulance arrived at his house, a basic advanced rescue vehicle which handed him over to another 118 vehicle from Cagliari , given the conditions. The arrival in the capital, however, was only the beginning of a long wait. The crew assisted him in the apron for nine hours before being relieved by another team of volunteers.

"And who knows when he was hospitalized," asks Claudio Cugusi, president of Anas Sardegna (national association of social action) to which the second ambulance intervened belongs. "This story brings out two types of problems," he says. The first: «In the Is Mirrionis hospital there is a shortage of space for beds, but it is not even the central point. Because we are faced with a malfunction of local medicine ». That 93-year-old man, according to Cugusi, shouldn't even have gone to hospital: «He had to be assisted in his town, in a community house. Or, in any case, in an intermediate structure. Because it is also due to inappropriate hospitalizations that hospitals fill up. Only, at the moment, there are no alternatives ».


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