He continually dived from the dinghy and resurfaced, while his friend waited for him on board. A behavior too strange for a simple swim in the protected marine area of the island of Mal di Ventre , in Maimoni (Cabras).

The Oristano Forestry patrol wanted to investigate the situation further and waited for the two men at a landing site. With them, on the dinghy, there were also six kilos of fish, mostly sea bass .

Since they were not professional fishermen (and therefore unauthorized), they were reported. In fact, in parks and marine protected areas, underwater sport fishing is not permitted and constitutes a crime. Now they risk being arrested for up to twelve months and a fine, ranging from 103 euros up to a maxi fine of 25,823 euros .

In the meantime, the Forestry Service seized the equipment and the catch which, upon authorization from the Public Prosecutor, was donated to the Charity Table of the Daughters of St. Joseph.


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