This time the high jump is not required, nor are the barre exercises. Perhaps due to the controversy of a few months ago. However, anyone who wants to become a traffic policeman will still have to pass physical tests .

This is what the Municipality of Cabras decided and a few days ago published the notice for the hiring of a permanent agent. The skill tests, in fact, are at the discretion of the administrations. These days, however, many are wondering how the Municipality will behave if a pregnant woman shows up for the selection process . Candidates who pass the written and oral tests will in fact have to undertake three other physical tests. One involves 50 jumps with the rope, then there is the shuttle test, a sort of speed race and finally push-ups with a straight body . Efforts that a pregnant woman could never sustain.

Salvatore Usai, the provincial secretary of the CISL, focused on the case of Cabras. «We are faced with clear sexist discrimination – he said -. Unfortunately it happens in many municipalities. The Municipality could easily modify the municipal regulation with a council resolution, putting in black and white that, in the case of a pregnant winner, a different procedure would be followed ."

Mayor Andrea Abis immediately says that the physical evidence in his opinion is important: «On duty along the coast , skilled policemen are needed and ready to intervene in any situation . As for pregnant women, let's see if the case arises. Only then will we decide what to do."

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