An American tourist who fell this afternoon during an excursion to Bosa in the "Cumpoltitu" area and which could have had more serious consequences will not easily forget the bad adventure. Fortunately, the woman was promptly rescued by a team from the Macomer fire department . The rescuers transported the tourist to the main road to subsequently entrust her to the care of 118.

With the start of the summer, like every year, cases of people, mainly tourists, venturing into a beautiful area like that of the Planargia coasts, but also full of dangers if they don't know each other well, are not rare. places.

Similar episodes also occur on the coasts such as the one recently involving a priest who was saved after several hours of searches and at the end of a complex rescue operation. The religious man was found in a cove and taken to the shore in a dinghy near Cala Fenuggiu.

The man had lost his orientation and remained stuck in a cove. In that case, after a report to the Bosa maritime district office, the rescue machine was activated.

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