It will be a day to recall the figure of Giovanni Maria Angioy and for Friday 28 April, on the occasion of "Sa Die de sa Sardigna", the Camillo Bellieni Institute of Sassari is organizing a cultural event in Bono wanted by the municipal administration of the town of Goceano and inserted within the three days called "Sas domos de Angioy".
At 10.30 at the Cineteatro Rex the conference entitled "At the roots of the Sardinian Revolution: Bono and Giovanni Maria Angioy" will be held, with the institutional greetings of the mayor Michele Solinas and the councilor for Culture Eliana Lisai. The round table moderated by Maria Doloretta Lai will be attended by Daniela Masia Urgu, who will present "The project In sos logos de Angioy. Diary of a revolutionary journey"; Stefano Alberto Tedde, who will exhibit "The historical context and archival documents found during the research"; Antonello Nasone with the report "Angioy and the ethical-political meaning of the Sardinian-Revolution". The final intervention is entrusted to Giampiero Nurra, president of the cultural association "Bono per Giovanni Maria Angioy".
At the conclusion of the conference, the event will move to the Council Chamber, where at 1.30 pm the ceremony for affixing the commemorative plaque dedicated to the figure of Giovanni Maria Angioy will be held.
From 16 to 17.30 in the municipal library (Colle San Raimondo) the linguistic operators of Is.Be, Adriana Cocco, Francesca Sini and Annalaura Pirisi will coordinate the laboratory "Looking for Angioy", aimed at children aged 7 to 11.
At the same time, from 4 to 6 pm, the traveling itinerary "In sos logos de Angioy" will lead visitors through the streets of the town, to the places where Alternos lived and worked in his hometown and other sites of profound historical value: the church of San Michele, Casa Frassu in the historic centre, the murals by Liliana Cano adjacent to via Martiri Angioini and the church of San Raimondo. The itinerary will be guided by Antonello Nasone and Stefano Alberto Tedde in collaboration with Lucia Sechi, Immacolata Salis and Maria Leonarda Correddu. The activity was carried out with the partial contribution of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia.

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