Two people from Sassari, a father and son aged 73 and 40, are on trial at the Court of Sassari for having published counterfeit videos with the face of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on the bodies of the protagonists of hardcore scenes on an American pornographic website.

The two, defended by the lawyer Maria Giulia Marongiu, according to what Ansa reports, are accused by the Sassari Prosecutor's Office of defamation against the Prime Minister who, in the proceedings opened yesterday, became a civil party.

According to investigations conducted by the Sassari Postal Police, the author of the counterfeits was the forty-year-old. The father was sued as the owner of the telephone account used for the publication of the videos.

Following a report arriving directly from Rome, the Postal Police started investigations in 2020. Using the nickname used on the website, the agents traced back to the telephone user from which the data had originated and therefore identified the alleged authors of the video.

The forty-year-old, whose apartment had also been searched, had modified pornographic films and , using specific software for the graphic manipulation of videos, had placed Giorgia Meloni's face on the bodies of the hardcore actresses.

The videos remained online for several months, garnering millions of views around the world. The trial will enter the hearing phase in March next year.


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