He abused his wife for the umpteenth time, even hitting her.

All to steal 50 euros from her. Now, after the intervention of the carabinieri, he will have to answer for his own

It happened in Villanovaforru and the negative protagonist of the story is a 31-year-old of Algerian origin.

After reporting a reception center for foreigners and the complaint presented by the woman, the soldiers of the Lunamatrona station intervened to track down the man, an asylum seeker, after he had fled with the stolen goods.

The men of the Arma then stopped him near the center of the town and searched him, recovering the money and also finding marijuana on him.

Then the arrest and transfer to the security room, pending the hearing before the judge.

The man has to answer for robbery and possession of drugs, but also risks being charged for mistreatment.


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