Two officers from the Bancali penitentiary police in hospital after the attack on an inmate. Last night yet another episode of violence in the Sassari prison, reported by the Uil Pa union, whose protagonist was an inmate already known for other similar events which occurred in the institutions of Cagliari and Nuoro.

The man had first suffered injuries and, for this reason, was transported to the prison infirmary but, after being refused further drugs beyond those prescribed, he hit the officers. Who managed to contain his fury but at the price of ending up in the emergency room having suffered abrasions, dislocations and, specifically, one policeman had problems with his leg and was unable to walk independently while another suffered an illness. He is currently hospitalized for observation and there is still no news on his condition.

«Let us comment once again - declares the general secretary of Uil Pa Michele Cireddu - the usual scenes of ordinary madness. Sassari is a first-level institute that has to manage 41 bis prisoners, international terrorists, psychiatric patients, troublemaking "common" prisoners in the most total state of abandonment." Cireddu points out that, despite the promises of the Undersecretary of Justice Andrea Delmastro, a permanent commander and director are still missing in Bancali. «Another shocking fact - continues the secretary - is also the state of abandonment of the structure, it seems in fact that the transport of the ill policeman was made prohibitive due to structural anomalies that have not yet been repaired. A literally paradoxical situation which should lead to immediate intervention to ascertain responsibilities which could have thwarted the timeliness of the rescue."

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