You perceive that something is about to happen when you cross the border between Masainas and Sant'Anna Arresi, deep in Sulcis, the extreme border of the land expropriated by NATO. The checkpoints follow one another as in a checkpoint of the past. They stop everything from civilians to cars loaded with camouflage. Better to avoid hecklers and onlookers, before the great war, the one that will be unleashed from 27 April next, on the eve of "Sa die de sa Sardigna", close to that paradise of Is Arenas Biancas, the white dunes of Teulada. The Generals were almost indignant when Comipa, the Joint Joint Committee for military servitude, placed heavy reservations on these new fire wars in the Sardinian firing ranges.

War & Kindness

Woe to questioning the "goodness" and "healthiness" of these "exercises". For them, the environmental disaster put on paper by the criminal investigation of the Cagliari prosecutor's office is all an invention. The hell that is about to unleash in that outpost, for the "starry" men of the Ministry of Defence, is only an "extraordinary opportunity". They even have the courage to tell it with lots of "promised" economic gains for the territory that hosts them, as if the future of a community could depend on twenty days of bombing inside the house. The last General of State to juggle with "amazing" promises of economic well-being for Teulada and its surroundings had the audacity to mention, all in the minutes, even the benefits for the local laundries, evidently called upon to wash camouflage and related equipment. Too bad the MoD tender was a total flop. The Official Gazette writes: "The unlimited quantity laundry service in favor of the armed forces belonging to the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO) employed in the "Noble Jumpe 2023" exercises in Sardinia has gone deserted".

Lap of washing machine

Even the promise of a round of the washing machine fell through. It won't get better for the fallout on hotels and b & bs. When you look beyond that fence forbidden to anyone, in the Teulada shooting range, you realize that the hotels have been built from scratch. Never an occupation of such an impact on those 7,200 hectares of military servitude in Sardinian land. Thousands of beds in tents, with real villages sprung up like mushrooms on the northern front, within sight of the border road.

Tent strangers

A logistics set up directly by "foreigners" who arrived on site directly from the NATO agency, the one that takes care of housing the military around the world. The deployment will be as invasive as few other times, with 8 nations converging from half of Europe, with the clear objective of demonstrating how the Atlantic organization can intervene in an operational manner in an area under attack. To do this, coincidentally, they chose Sardinia. For a month it will be surrounded by sea and air, and occupied on land. The deployment of means of warfare will be without saving energy and lethal weapons, capable not only of devastating the territory, but also of polluting it further.

Eight armies

The nations deployed, Germany, Holland, Latvia, Greece, the Czech Republic, Norway, Luxembourg and Italy will not miss anything. The assault will be concentric from the north and south. Three cargo ships will arrive, as well as warships. The landings of the vehicles will take place in the port of Cagliari and Olbia. The planes loaded with troops, together with the jets, will use the airports of Elmas, Decimomannu and Alghero. As befits a real military "colony", these war operations in Sardinia will be managed directly by the NATO coordination in Naples.

Fire warfare

A real fire war, given that the armies are not arriving with "simulators" and play stations, as one of the Comipa graduates had "awkwardly" tried to claim. The testimony is the image that we publish of the garage of one of the German navy ships that is shipping the brand new Leopard 2 A7V to Sardinia, a vehicle with an unprecedented fire capacity with modern extended-range ammunition capable of reaching a maximum 5,000 meters. After all, the war plans for those thirty days in Teulada and not only are devastating: what they pompously call the "multi-domain" will be exercised, from cybernetic attacks to countering drones (including submarines), up to the nuclear and bacteriological threat- chemistry.

Militarized Channel Port

Finally, with a last-minute provision, the Port Authority has effectively transformed the port of Cagliari into a new military base, with the Region watching. They had the cruise ships unmoored from their moorings to give NATO a concession for 80,000 square meters. They will store weapons and ammunition there. Sardinia is surrounded.

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