The Cus is Ateneika and Ateneika is the Cus. It's sport, music and culture. There are 1600 students from the University of Cagliari - inaugurated on May 30th at 7pm - who will be busy from Thursday to June 9th, in sixteen disciplines, but there are as many as 150 students and student volunteers who have rekindled the engines of the event to give the city moments of sharing and socializing in those spaces that will turn 76 on 11 June.

Organized in synergy with the University, the event which has now become a Festival of national caliber is a bet born ten years ago and this year will be an even more special edition in the name of Gigi Riva, after whom the Rector has decided to name it the Sa Duchessa sports facility with a ceremony on November 7th, the day on which the Legend would have turned 80.

Students, staff and teachers of the University of Cagliari will compete to defend the colors of the six faculties: Biology and Pharmacy, Engineering and Architecture, Medicine and Surgery, Sciences, Economic, Legal, Political Sciences and Humanistic Studies. Lots of sport but also lots of music in Ateneika with the protagonists of the Italian music scene. Among others Margherita Vicario, Ex-Otago Assurditè, Chroma Sound System, Ateneika rewind, Radiolina party '90-2000 and many others.

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