They took care of everything down to the smallest detail. There is the red flag, the saint inside the reliquary, the runners with the habit, the fake one of course and even a puppet representing the parish priest. However, they were not brave until the end: in fact, they walked the streets wearing shoes in the shape of bare feet. Perhaps to avoid controversy, but those that still exist. And not a few.

A few days ago at the Bonorva carnival a group of boys decided to dress up as "barefoot". Those 900 men who in Cabras on the first weekend of September carry the simulacrum of San Salvatore running barefoot from Cabras to the homonymous village.

An act of faith, a vow to be fulfilled, a thank you to their Saint between effort and emotions. That's why in the lagoon this carnival is not liked at all. On Facebook since yesterday many have been sharing the imitation of the Barefoot Race complete with far from benevolent comments.

Images and videos that made Alessio Camedda, president of the Is Curridoris association, shiver. But also Monsignor Giuseppe Sanna, parish priest of Cabras.

«The runners and the whole community deeply regret seeing what for them is a sacred tradition ridiculed - comments Camedda -. It seems clear that these people do not have the slightest idea of what is the meaning of wearing the blessed white habit and accompanying the Most Holy Saviour. After hearing the parish priest of Cabras who expressed his full agreement, I condemn what has been done as offensive. I hope that what for the runners and all the inhabitants of Cabras is an act of faith and heartfelt devotion will no longer be ridiculed, as it intimately involves the religious and spiritual sphere of every single person".

And who knows if an apology will come from Bonorva.

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