She had been excluded from the ballot, in the race to become mayor of Assemini , by nine votes . A bitter result for Niside Muscas , who had immediately raised some doubts about the excessive number of invalid ballots. In particular, 18 would have ended up in the candidate's sights (supported by the Fratelli d'Italia, Forza Italia and Lega Salvini Sardegna lists). Now the TAR has decided that those ballots must be re-examined .

Muscas had closed the first round with 3202 votes, against the 3896 of Mario Puddu (later elected mayor after the run-off) and above all the 3211 of Diego Corrias. A very thin margin, tainted - according to the centre-right candidate - by errors in the counting.

Four votes for Niside Muscas, in fact, would not have been taken into consideration due to the presence of identification signs relating to the voter . Only apparent, according to the appeal, and therefore not such as to lead to annulment.

Another five ballots (with the However, outside the boxes relating to the other candidates, and therefore to be taken into consideration for the principle of vote conservation.

In another case, it would have been one too many Similar case to four other ballots which, according to the appeal, should have carried another four votes: in this case, preference would have been given to lists linked to the candidate (two to Fratelli d'Italia, two to Forza Italia), but also to four councilors from unrelated lists . The

The last four contested votes, however, owe their nullity to the fact that, in addition to ticking the party box, the voters also added the name of Niside Muscas . A superfluous wording, but not such as to lead to invalidity.

Not only that, because other reasons also appear in the appeal, including a discrepancy in the votes recorded in a section with those appearing on the Municipality's website, and access to voting denied to a voter because he is in possession of an electoral card already "stamped" in due to a previous error in entering a different section.

This is why we will now have to proceed with a recount of the disputed ballots, with the decision expected for next March.


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