Warranty notices for alleged scams are arriving in the province of Sassari, with the facade bonus. The charges, formulated by the Sassari prosecutor's office, are of undue receipt of public funds and criminal association aimed at committing fraud in the context of construction support measures.

The investigations, carried out by the financial police, led to the investigation of six people from Sassari, three building contractors, two professionals in the sector and a condominium administrator.

According to the accusations, through the 90 percent facade bonus, they would have collected credits, between 2021 and 2022, for 5 million and 593 thousand euros, later seized by the Fiamme Gialle, without ever carrying out the works or carrying them out for an overestimated figure compared to to that reported in the certificates.

Another 47 people are then under investigation, private individuals and administrators and condominiums, in competition for individual episodes, as clients of the restoration work on the facades. The alleged scams took place between Sassari, Putifigari, Olmedo, Ossi, Mara, Florinas, Castelsardo, Ardara, Pozzomaggiore, Chiaramonti and Trinità d'Agultu. The defense lawyers are Maria Grazia Sanna, Giuseppe Melis, Gianluigi Poddighe, Rosangela Mele, Luca d'Alò.

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