The TAR judges will decide whether Giovanna Caria and Antonello Peru are no longer part of Mario Conoci's executive. The two Forza Italia councilors expelled by the council have in fact decided to take legal action . A move that the mayor did not appreciate: «Trying to resolve a political issue through the courts does not seem like the right way to me, especially if there is still a desire to regroup the majority and continue the path. I hope that this will exists." Conoci has already made it known that it will communicate the reasons to the city council. "Other mayors have done this in the past, including Marco Tedde."

Fratelli d'Italia, with the coordinator Marco Di Gangi , asked the local leader of Forza Italia, Marco Tedde, for explanations. «The choice to take legal action appears difficult to understand and decidedly not very useful in order to heal the current political fracture which has seen some exponents of Forza Italia isolated compared to the majority», says Di Gangi.

«It is important that Tedde clarifies the position of his party to the coalition and to the citizens of Alghero - urges the coordinator of Fratelli d'Italia - and clarifies whether the appeal of the two Forzista exponents is a choice shared by and with the party or is to be considered exclusively a solitary and individual choice."

Nunzio Camerada , group leader of Forza Italia, still pushes to find out the reasons that convinced the mayor to remove the two councilors in favor of the Azzurri. «He must necessarily mention the reason that led him to revoke the fiduciary role, because otherwise the act, according to jurisprudence, is illegitimate. In conclusion – continues Camerada – we want you to explain the reasons, which we do not exist, unless there are other interests hidden for now. Clarity is needed in the interest of the people of Alghero, there must be no opacity."

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