He lost his entire pension along the way, with the entire thirteenth just collected at the Post Office . It happened in Alghero to an elderly lady, as she was returning home, the day before last, between Vittorio Veneto and Amsicora streets.

The money was contained in a “Saugella” clutch bag with pink edges. On social media, in addition to the appeal to try to find the bag with the money, a solidarity competition also started. «If whoever found it wanted to return it – we read in a post – it will certainly make the lady's Christmas peaceful. For now she is crying desperately ."

Many have offered to take up a collection to help the pensioner spend a less bitter Christmas. There are those who have proposed collecting money, others instead of shopping vouchers. But the lady, with great dignity, refused: "I hope that whoever found the money is a needy person" , she said. The population of Internet users is now hoping for a miracle: that someone will find the clutch bag with the money and return it to its rightful owner.

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