He found a small treasure on the street and did not think twice about handing it over to the carabinieri to be returned to its rightful owner. The protagonist of the beautiful gesture is a foreign boy who prefers to remain anonymous.

"It happened recently in Alghero ," says Giuseppe Marche of Asce, an association that is committed to combating social discrimination.

«A foreign boy, one of those that most of us still look at with suspicion, was going to work by bike. He sees a 100 euro bill on the ground, he doesn't believe in his luck, then another 100». And so on, until a considerable sum was raised.

«In the end – continues Marche – he also finds the owner's documents. He puts it all together and hastens to work.' Here he shows what he found to his colleagues and boss. It's a tidy sum, a couple of thousand euros, what he earns in three months.

At that point he called the police and the owner was immediately traced. He would like to repay.

"Forget it," replies the stranger.

Giuseppe Marche told about it on social media «because I would like these kids who have come from afar to be treated with less distrust and more consideration. They deserve it".

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