Record birthday for Maria Grazia Cau from Abbasanta. Yesterday, January 8, he turned 103 years old. Despite her age, she still lives alone and prepares her own meals.

Widowed by Antonio Cherchi in 1999, she has four children (a fifth passed away several years ago): Francesco, Caterina, Rosangela and Gianni), 12 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren.

On Monday he celebrated with his family after the thanksgiving mass celebrated by Father Paolo. Tzia Maria Grazia has always lived in Abbasanta, dedicating herself to looking after her family and helping out in the countryside. Among her passions is gardening, in addition to this, what occupies her time are the religious services she listens to on TV, some entertainment programs and reading newspapers dedicated to the Saints.

She likes to cook: among her specialties is the preparation of sa panischedda which, in all likelihood, she will prepare again this year for Sant'Antonio. Even today Tzia Maria Grazia has an exceptional memory, she remembers poems in dialect, anecdotes, anniversaries even from many years ago.

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