Foxi Manna beach, in Sarrala, marina of Tertenia , the destination of a young flamingo. The specimen attracted the attention of bathers intrigued by the unusual presence. Usually the flamingos prefer other places as a resting destination, but yesterday the little animal chose the south coast of Ogliastra for a stop.

Some swimmers have called the competent animal protection authorities for an inspection and to ascertain the conditions of the flamingo, which may need treatment.

Until the nineties the sighting of flamingos in most of Italy was a completely sporadic event. Numerous colonies could be encountered only in Sardinia, but only in winter. The first ascertained reproduction dates back to 1993 in Sardinia, in the Cagliari area. Subsequently, the presences in the Peninsula increased surprisingly, first in the Tuscan Maremma, then in Puglia, in Comacchio, in the Venice Lagoon and in Sicily. In Ogliastra the presence of a flock is frequent in the Tortolì pond.

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