He is burned by a blaze from one of the mushrooms used to heat the church. Great fright in Castelsardo for Don Pietro Denicu, the parish priest of the cathedral of Sant'Antonio Abate, who in the afternoon, while preparing to create some warmth for the faithful before celebrating a funeral, suddenly, probably due to a technical fault, he saw a flame rise from the warming mushroom that reached the priest's arm and hair.

His screams attracted the attention of some passers-by, who rushed to the church to give him first aid and immediately request the intervention of the 118. The doctors rescued him and immediately transported him to the Santissima Annunziata civil hospital in Sassari.

Fortunately, his condition is not serious, he will get away with a few days of treatment: he suffered some burns on his arm.In the meantime, the parish community has replaced the priest in the celebration of the funeral with Don Santino Cimino, parish priest of Trinità D'Agultu . In the city of Castelsardo the news spread quickly creating concern for the health of the parish priest much loved by his faithful.

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