The Mystery of the Skinned Dog . It is a greyhound, found dead, without skin , in the local road 7 Funtane, a short distance from via Milano and the Carbonazzi district in Sassari .

The macabre discovery was made by a young man named Simone , out for a walk with his mestizos: "He was behind the electrical substation, butchered in several pieces".

Immediately after reporting to the municipal police and the ecozoophile guards, who arrived on site. "We noticed that the dog didn't even have a microchip - reveals lieutenant Giampiero Nughes of the guards - because in all likelihood whoever reduced him like this took it away from him".

I testimoni della macabra scoperta (Foto Floris)
I testimoni della macabra scoperta (Foto Floris)
I testimoni della macabra scoperta (Foto Floris)

The animal's head had been severed from its body and the tormentor also cut off its legs, found a few meters away from each other.

The carcass was disposed of by the Taxi Dog , called by Formula Ambiente, the company that deals with the urban hygiene service in the city.

No cremation for the animal because, as the municipal councilor for the environment Antonello Sassu declares: "No owner has requested its ashes".

Now it remains to find out who could have made such a gesture. "On the Facebook group Amici degli animali del Nord-Sardegna - says the manager of the page Fabio Fish - I told this story with the aim of mobilizing people and finding out if anyone has seen anything".

Meanwhile, on the same day, another dog was found in the same locality, a poodle, also lifeless and wrapped in cellophane. The latter was still whole, unlike the former.

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