The three people arrested by the Guardia di Finanza in the province of Varese are accused of having cheated elderly, lonely and sick people.

According to what emerged during the investigation, they would have drained the savings of the victims for a total of one million and 200 thousand euros. The women, particularly wealthy, were identified by the criminals as suffering from serious pathologies or psychic deficits. One in particular, as admitted by one of the arrested intercepted during a phone call, would have been "kept alive" with emergency pharmacological interventions: dangerous injections of bronchodilators and the like, in order not to risk losing the sums deriving from the pension and his assets.

In addition to stripping them of their belongings, insulting and manipulating them, the three also threatened them not to cooperate with the financiers at the start of the investigation.

The precautionary custody orders were issued by the investigating judge of Busto Arsizio.


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