The first certainty about the new anti Covid measures comes on the third dose, which "it will be possible to do five months after the completion of the first cycle", as Minister Speranza announced to the governors and on Twitter, anticipating the green light of Aifa which arrived very soon. by post and followed by the circular of the same Ministry of Health.

"Let's all get vaccinated - is the minister's heartfelt appeal -, these are delicate hours, of further choices to be made in the interest of the country".

There are three "further choices" for the Super Green pass: the process to bring about its approval, in a relatively short time, has officially started. In addition to the governors connected by videoconference, the undersecretary to the presidency of the Council Roberto Garofoli and the ministers of health and regional affairs, Speranza and Gelmini , took part in the meeting between the government and the Regions.

A first interlocutory meeting, the Regions clamored to "reward those who get vaccinated" , pushing for the green light to a provision that includes restrictions for no vax.

The ball now passes to the government, which will evaluate how to decline the provision. The Council of Ministers is scheduled for Thursday, but the decree could arrive next week.

Among the Regions there are those who ask to activate the super Green pass (exclusion of those not vaccinated or cured from bars, restaurants, stadiums, gyms, cinemas, theaters, museums) only in the orange or red areas, those from the yellow area and those from do it regardless of the colors, even in the white area, while the Sicilian Musumeci even invokes the obligation to vaccinate .

The urgency of the intervention is justified by the concern for the resurgence of infections which could affect not only the approaching Christmas but also the winter tourism season. The stated aim is to avoid new general closures.

At the moment it seems to prevail the hypothesis of putting in place the "super Green pass" in the event that a region passes in orange. In that case there would be preferential lanes for the vaccinated who could continue to frequent places of socialization, such as theaters, cinemas or restaurants, contrary to the no vax that would see this opportunity precluded.

"For those who decide not to get vaccinated - said the Undersecretary of Health, Andrea Costa - it is right to guarantee the right to work and primary rights, but if a person does not get vaccinated it is right that he has some more restrictions". "There must be no inertia - the request of the president of Lombardy, Attilio Fontana -: the important thing is to protect the safety of the openings, the continuity of commercial and entrepreneurial activities and protect those who have done their duty, respecting the requests of the State".

Another request that comes from Toti and Fedriga is an "increase in border controls with countries with greater circulation of the virus and low vaccination rates".

Other knots to be solved, the duration of the Green pass: it should drop from 12 to 9 months, now that the European Union is also preparing to give this recommendation to the Member States.

Then there is the obligation of the third dose for healthcare professionals and RSA personnel: "I believe that it will be the final choice, to provide for the obligation of a third dose for all citizens for whom the obligation is currently envisaged, is a consequence logic and common sense ”, the words of the Undersecretary of Health Andrea Costa .

The possibility of subsequently extending the obligation to other categories, such as that of teachers, police forces and all front office staff, that is in direct contact with the public, is also being studied.

Meanwhile, after a few weeks the arrivals were unblocked: deliveries of anti-Covid vaccines to Italy exceeded 101 million.

(Unioneonline / L)

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