Feigning illness, they called an ambulance to "snag" a ride from Coriano to Riccione.

The protagonists are two young Milanese of Maghreb origin, who filmed everything and posted on TikTok, criminally reported by the Romagna Ausl and identified by the carabinieri of Riccione: they will be investigated for interruption of public service and caused an alarm.

The video published on the social network, with the unequivocal title "When you're in the countryside and there are no vehicles", totaled 50,000 views in 22 hours and about eight thousand likes, as well as hundreds of shares.

The Ausl Romagna also intervened on the incident and in a note explains how «the 118 operators carried out the procedures correctly and punctually, following the information provided by the caller. The crew behaved in the same way, transporting the boy and his companion to the Rimini emergency room, where the triage and acceptance procedures were carried out. After a few minutes they spontaneously left the emergency room itself ».

" Absolutely stigmatizing the fact, the Ausl of Romagna proceeded with a criminal complaint against the two subjects represented in the video as they diverted emergency vehicles from their institutional task and created an unjustified alarm", underlined Dr. Maurizio Menarini , central operational director of 118 and Romagna territorial emergency.


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