"I'm pretty much better this morning, but I've been crap." Thus the virologist Massimo Galli announced this morning, in connection with Mattino Cinque News, that he had been infected by Covid.

It happened "probably on December 31st or a few days before - explains Galli - someone passed Omicron to me, despite being retired, despite having led a very withdrawn life in this last period seeing very few people".
"In the period between Christmas and New Year the only patients I have dealt with I have heard them by phone and by email, I have not seen them", continued Galli. “I have seen very few people and, on a convivial level, without a mask, I can count them: a dozen in all and never all together. This says a lot about how capable this variant is. Mine is certainly Omicron, sequenced in the laboratory ".

"It seems ironic - he adds - that in two years of intense activity, having seen patients for months every day in situations that are sometimes not entirely safe and containment, I have not caught anything. I have taken Omicron now, as a retiree and with all the possible precautions ".

"I am full of antibodies, - he points out, - I have evaluated them several times, and technically I had responded to the vaccine fairly well, in all three vaccinations. But Omicron is a different virus, it has 32 mutations and therefore the antibodies that come from the vaccine. they make it up to a certain point. "

"I underline - continues Galli - that among other things I found myself with a high viral load. And only one person shared with me a few minutes without a mask, before I knew about the infection, and that person became infected".

"I started one night - remembers Galli - jumping into bed with powerful chills, then itching in my nose, I lost a bit of taste and smell, hoarse voice. I'm here to reassure others, but when they say it's a bad flu, I can then say that it was the ugliest of my life. I am 70 years old and a little aches: I returned to service on January 10, 2020 after a pulmonary embolism that almost killed me. When Covid broke out in China I have been there on duty, even though my physical abilities were not 100% ".

"My four recommendations? Get vaccinated, vaccinated, vaccinated children and have maximum caution", the conclusion.

As for the measures taken on the school, only “a horrid papocchio. It is a classic political compromise that does not lead to reasonable consequences. Nobody likes, to me first, distance learning, but that this compromise has been reached on the reopening of schools, also taking into account the data of the latest ISS bulletins on the spread of the virus among children, I find that it is not a great idea ".

(Unioneonline / vl)

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