The secret diaries of Messina Denaro: the photo in Verona, the love phrases and the message to his daughter
Thirteen of the boss's almost thirty years of being a fugitive in the notebooks found by the ROS, addressed to his daughter Lorenza Alagna, who never wanted to meet him except after his arrest and shortly before his deathThe photo in 2006 in Verona (Ansa)
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Thirteen of Matteo Messina Denaro's almost thirty years on the run, recounted by himself, in two bound notebooks embellished with photos of reproductions of paintings by Vincent Van Gogh.
Those diaries were a way to talk to his daughter Lorenza Alagna, who never wanted to meet him except when death was imminent, in prison, after his capture in 2023.
The notebooks explore the years from 2003 to 2016 of the boss's life, which he collected irregularly, jumping from one thought and topic to another, his intimate thoughts, also accompanied by photographs. Like the shots in 2006 in front of the Verona Arena: Messina Denaro, on vacation, with designer clothes, designer shoes and a wedding ring on the finger of his left hand. A photo that shows the boss's most vain and attentive side to his appearance, which distinguishes him and not a little from Salvatore Riina. There are thoughts of love for "Blu", the teacher Laura Bonafede, his lover sentenced to 11 years and 4 months.
"Only I could tell her the truth about my life, as naked and raw as it has been, because only I know my life, and not the others who have always abused to talk about me, and about me. I thought I owed it to her," he writes, referring to his daughter Lorenza.
That Lorenza who, Messina Denaro warns her, will have to follow what the family DNA dictates, her "genes", he writes, defining them as "defective toys". He also reminds her that it took "an entire State" to capture him. And, he writes, "despite everything I was not afraid to challenge him. Remember him to understand who your father was".
In some passages of what the boss called "little books", which were found by the Carabinieri of the ROS, the investigators are also mocked. For example, for the identikit they made of him.
This journey into the boss’s memories is told by journalist Lirio Abbate, who illustrates the contents of the notebooks in the book “The Boss’s Diaries. Words, Secrets and Omissions of Matteo Messina Denaro”.
(Online Union)