Today the Carabinieri recall the story of Antonio Fois , the Sardinian carabiniere protagonist of an act of courage that took place on 26 December 1971.

That day the soldier , born in Borore on January 23, 1953, is in the barracks in Ventimiglia when a 14-year-old boy knocks on the door: in his house his father and a criminal who has just been released from prison are arguing violently.

Antonio – underline the military – immediately goes to the scene and tries to restore calm among the contenders, but one of the two pulls out a pistol and shoots, hitting the carabiniere in the chest. Before dying due to the seriousness of the wound, Antonio regrets with the commander of the Tenenza for not having been able to do more".

Fois will be awarded the Gold Medal for Military Valor by disposition of the President of the Republic on 22 May 1972.


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