Taxi strike throughout Italy on Wednesday 5th and Thursday 6th June. The unions announced this in a note, where they explain: «Since no call was received after the national strike called for last May 21st, against the widespread phenomena of illegal activity present in the sector and to ask for the regulation of technological platforms, we were forced to proclaim a new 48-hour national shutdown for the next 5 and 6 June."

Numerous trade unions in the category joined the agitation, namely: Ugl taxi, Federtaxi Cisal, Satam, Tam, Claai, Unione Artigiani, Unione Tassisti d'Italia, Uritaxi, Fast Confal taxi, Unica taxi Cgil, Orsa taxi, Usb taxi, Unimpresa, Sitan/Atn. (Unioneonline)

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