The stop to cannabis light is coming. The government, with an amendment to the security bill being examined by the House, proposes to change the law to support the hemp supply chain for industrial use, i.e. with quantities of THC lower than 0.2%.

The proposed amendment, once approved, will ban the cultivation and sale of flowers except for certain industrial uses. Thus, if the proposal passes, the trade and sale will be punished with the rules of the Consolidated Law on narcotic substances, making light cannabis equal to non-light cannabis.

Law 242 of 2016 allowed the cultivation of hemp for industrial use in Italy, with a THC content of less than 0.2. In the absence of an explicit ban on the sale of inflorescences, shops for their sale have since been opened. Now the clarification has arrived. But in fact the amendment goes in the opposite direction from what many in the sector hoped for and could bring - it is feared - a harsh backlash to companies and shops.

«Do you know what that means? That to try to get 4 votes in the European elections, 3 thousand companies will close and 15 thousand workers will be fired." So on X Marco Furfaro, responsible for welfare and combating inequalities in the PD secretariat. Who adds: «Workers, among other things, mostly very young. And if the State doesn't take care of it, the mafia will take care of it. Illegal trade will spread, criminals will toast with champagne while Italian workers will be fired and honest businesses forced to close. Congratulations, Giorgia Meloni. Always on the wrong side of history."


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