Stefano Tacconi is making a slow but gradual recovery after the aneurysm that struck him in April two years ago .

Since then the former Juventus and national team goalkeeper has made great progress , although he will soon have to return to the operating room to resolve circulatory problems due to some blood clots.

In an interview given to the weekly «DiPiù», however, Tacconi explains how what hurts him most at the moment was being totally forgotten by Lapo Elkann , the person he considered a dear friend of his.

«This hurt me: we were great friends, Lapo and I, but he stopped making himself heard… », the words of the former goalkeeper. Who then remembered those who were closest to him, starting with his four children and his wife Laura. So my lifelong friend Zenga.

«Now, even though I feel better and can walk again, my ordeal is not over yet . The last visits I made showed blood clots, thrombi, in the legs and in the aorta vein. They have to open me up and sort me out. They promised me that then I will be as good as new. I feel like a lion, the doctors said my recovery is miraculous. I speak fluently, without 'wrapping myself up', and I have no repercussions", he continued.

«Together with my family – the conclusion – I decided to celebrate my discharge from hospital, my birthday and also the 13th wedding anniversary with Laura. Three parties together to celebrate, at the same time, the three most important days of my life."

Just recently Tacconi had reappeared on TV as a guest of Silvia Toffanin on Verissimo, to talk about the most dramatic moments of the illness and the long rehabilitation process.


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