Mental health, especially after two years of the pandemic, is a "big issue" and the government is working on it.

The Minister of Health Roberto Speranza guaranteed this by opening the proposal for the psychological assistance bonus: "We are working on it - he said - already in the Milleproroghe we will give a first signal that goes in this direction. The bonus will probably be there for psychological assistance but be careful to think that with the bonus we solve the problems, because there is a need for more resources for territorial and psychological assistance with a systemic action. The bonus is a signal ".

Deputy Pd Filippo Sensi (who presented the specific amendment to the Milleproroghe) recalled that "the 300 thousand signatures for the psychologist bonus on Change Italia have been reached (and exceeded). Now it is one of the 5 most popular petitions ever on this platform. Now this strength, this push must translate into the realization of the bonus that is making its way in the commission in the Milleproroghe. The government is there, the determination of all the groups too (as already in the Senate thanks to the work of Caterina Biti) . We are one step away now ".

The M5s parliamentarians in the Chamber's Social Affairs Committee took stock of the need for the bonus on Friday: "Two years after the start of the emergency, Covid shows no sign of attenuating the impact of the pandemic on mental health. growing discomfort confirmed by the data: according to the National Council of the Order of Psychologists in recent years as many as 8 out of 10 people have developed problems of structured psychological malaise and 2 out of 10 mental disorders in the strict sense and more severe ".

M5s hopes that in the Milleproroghe decree "finally the expected answers will arrive, and that the psychological bonus represents only an initial response to the need to guarantee real accessibility to the protection of mental health", even at a basic level.

(Unioneonline / D)

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