She won the competition for an official of the Ministry of Justice and was assigned to Sardinia. But, being Sicilian, she considered the appointment "unfair" and appealed to the Council of State. And the judges accepted her precautionary request, blocking the transfer and rekindling the hope of the young woman, a resident of Palermo, of remaining on her native island.

The winner of the competition, according to lawyers Girolamo Rubino and Giuseppe Impiduglia , was assigned to serve in Sardinia due to some errors in the evaluation of qualifications .

In particular, the examination commission would not have awarded the candidate from Palermo the additional score, envisaged by the announcement, for having carried out the training internship at the judicial offices.

Therefore, the candidate was placed at the bottom of the merit ranking and, as a result, assigned to serve far from her residence in Sicily.

The young candidate, considering the score attributed to her by the competition commission to be unfair, turned to the two lawyers to ask for justice and repair the wrong suffered.

Initially, the Lazio Regional Administrative Court rejected the proposed appeal and then the lawyers Rubino and Impiduglia filed an appeal before the Council of State, requesting the reform, subject to suspension, of the effects of the first instance sentence.

With a presidential decree, confirmed collectively, the Council of State, deeming that the appeal proposed by the lawyers was founded on initial examination and that, in balancing the interests involved in the case, the one to maintain the res adhuc intact must be considered prevalent, avoiding that the appellant could undergo a radical change in his life, accepted the precautionary request, suspending the effectiveness of the sentence rendered in the first instance by the TAR. Consequently, due to the precautionary decision made by the Council of State, the young woman from Palermo will not have to take up service in Sardinia.

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