The finish line was around the corner and everyone was waiting for the crowning of a dream: a degree in Modern Literature .

Diana Biondi was missing only one exam but all her loved ones thought she had finished her studies and was close to the laurel wreath . It was all ready. The date of the party , the cake , and even the festoons . But no one, apart from her classmates, knew that in reality the girl was still missing an important test: the Latin exam . On the eve of a great day that would not happen, Diana killed herself by throwing herself off a cliff in Somma Vesuviana, in the province of Naples .

His story takes those of his peers by the hand. Like Riccardo, a 26-year-old who was missing exams and who had in any case announced the date of his graduation exam which would have proclaimed him a doctor of nursing sciences. But that the day before the party, just like Diana, he decided to crash his car.

They searched for Diana for three days . His father immediately understood that something was wrong. And so, when he started not answering his phone calls, he reported the disappearance to the Carabinieri, also writing in the University chat. In her last messages, Diana had written that she would go to the Federico II University library to collect her thesis , and that she would return to Somma Vesuviana with the 4.00 pm train from Naples. But perhaps she never got on that train. And perhaps she never entered that library, given that her face never appears in the University camera images.

The last message: « I can't talk ». Then only silence. And a black handbag – too familiar for the young girl's parents – hanging from a railing. A few meters away, Diana's body.

« If there are severe illnesses, we ask you to report them to us - said the rector of the Federico II University, Matteo Lorito - we are not only didactic providers but we still want to help our weakest and most fragile. It is an enormous loss because when a young life is extinguished it is always an enormous fact ». “Your university kills. We're sorry, Diana,” the university self-organized collective wrote on a banner after hearing the news. Meanwhile, messages of solidarity posted by students of all Italian universities are multiplying on the web , denouncing the excessively high competition within university classrooms and the excessively high taxes that suffocate those who decide to invest in training.


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