Anorexia takes another victim. Yesterday, in the Lodi area, the last farewell to the 17-year-old who for some years had been suffering from the disease so much that she came to weigh 26 kilos. When she arrived at the hospital, at the Maggiore di Lodi, she was already in very serious condition and was hospitalized in pediatrics. Unfortunately, any attempt to save her life was in vain.

"We were deeply shaken by the death of the seventeen year old who suffered from anorexia who arrived in our hospital - said Paolo Bernocchi, medical director of ASST in Lodi - The young woman really came to us in desperate conditions and despite this we tried to do everything for it to improve. We would like to say that all health personnel participate in the pain of the family ".

The girl had had to face the death of her father four years ago and in the period of the first lockdown she found herself isolated as a resident in the first former red zone of Italy.

The family members were able to partly explain how she fell into the abyss of anorexia: the brother referred to the role played by social networks that propose false beauty standards. The sister then began to eat less and less, to chase what she identified as "perfection" by continuously climbing the stairs in the middle of the night "to keep fit". The situation, despite the treatment, has precipitated more and more.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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