The summons to the “little room”, the pornographic videos and the sexual abuse: the teacher who was attacked by her parents arrested
A few months ago the punitive expedition against the support teacher, then the investigations of the carabinieri and today the arrest. The woman, 40 years old, is in prison(Handle)
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The special education teacher who was attacked last November by a group of parents in what appeared to be a punitive raid has been arrested .
The woman is accused of sexually abusing some students at the middle school where she worked.
The story, which took place in Castellammare di Stabia, came to the fore last November, when about 30 parents went to the institute to “take justice into their own hands,” attacking the teacher , who suffered a head injury. The children (all under 14) had in fact reported meetings in secluded places with the woman, 40 , who allegedly showed the children pornographic videos and engaged in sexual behavior.
The investigations began from that episode. And what at first seemed to be insinuations, therefore, evidently were not. In fact, from the investigations carried out by the Carabinieri it emerged that the woman had also created a social group with some students in which she only discussed sexual topics. Seven minors were involved, four boys and three girls, and their testimonies were decisive, in addition to the analysis of the audio files extracted from the cell phones of the children themselves and of the teacher .
The woman, starting from October 2023, in her capacity as a support teacher for one of the students involved but to whom the other students were also in fact entrusted, allegedly subjected the boys to numerous sexual acts. In particular, the very young people were allegedly taken during school hours (under the pretext of giving them private lessons) to a private classroom in the school, by the 40-year-old nicknamed "the little room", in which the teacher allegedly repeatedly showed them pornographic videos, even against their will, and engaged in continuous conversations of an explicitly sexual nature . In some circumstances - again from what has emerged from the work of the investigators - the young people were allegedly pushed to exchange sexual acts and on one occasion the teacher allegedly had intercourse with one of the students .
She would call them into the “little room”, in groups or all together, during classes other than hers. With the excuse of helping them repeat school subjects. But it was something completely different: she would talk explicitly about sex and boast about her experiences, even using foul language. She would ask questions like: “When did you have your first kiss, what music do you like to play when...”. Pornographic videos would be shown and there would be sexual approaches, or actual sexual relationships .
The teacher sent pornographic photos to the boys via chat after having set the auto-deletion and the investigations also revealed that she had also threatened to have them imprisoned, by a representative of the police force with whom she boasted of having a relationship, if they had told what was happening in that "little room" of the school.
The woman was taken to the women's prison in Benevento , the carabinieri executed the precautionary custody order issued by the investigating judge of Torre Annunziata at the request of the Prosecutor's Office. The teacher is accused of mistreatment, sexual violence, inducing sexual acts and corruption of a minor .
The investigations, however, have not stopped, the aim is to shed light also on any responsibilities on the part of the school. "It was urgent to stop her from teaching there or elsewhere - said the prosecutor of Torre Annunziata -, now we need to understand how it is possible that for a year seven minors were entrusted to a support teacher who was supposed to take care only of the student with learning difficulties : this is an aspect that needs to be explored further".