After intense days of negotiations, an agreement was reached for the renewal of the school contract, which embraces the education and research sector for the 2019-2021 period. Expected in the payroll of 1.2 million employees increases that will reach 190 euros , but not only: also greater protections for precarious workers , introduction of agile work and certification of tutors and guidance teachers.

The new school contract is freshly signed , affixed today by the trade unions, with the exception of the Uil which has highlighted doubts and gaps. Satisfaction, however, was expressed by the Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara. For the Public Administration colleague, Paolo Zangrillo, it is "a fundamental step for the improvement of working conditions in a crucial sector for the growth of the country". The national collective labor agreement for the education and research sector provides for average monthly salary increases of 124 euros for teachers and 190 euros for directors of general and administrative services.

News also for precarious teaching and ATA staff, who will have greater protection with the use of three paid days off for personal or family reasons. Added to this is also a 10% increase in the salaries of additional hours for teachers. «The new contract - said Valditara - marks an important step forward towards an ever greater valorisation of all the staff of the school, both teachers and ATA. Furthermore , the functions of the tutor teacher and guidance teacher have been incorporated into the contract and this will allow the principle of personalization of education to be definitively affirmed, underlining the centrality of the person of the student in the system».

Satisfied with the CGIL , with its secretary Maurizio Landini who spoke of an "important result". The same opinion was expressed by the CISL . "An important result - says the school secretary, Ivana Barbacci - which now allows us to focus attention on the renewal of the three-year period already in progress". The only discordant voice was that of Uil , which did not sign the renewal and raised doubts about some aspects including "the political node on mobility, the lack of enhancement of ATA staff, the precariousness of the secretarial work, the absence of references to Italian schools abroad and the part dedicated to trade union relations». For the secretary Giuseppe D'April the contract would not be an improvement on the previous one, therefore it was not approved.


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